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How Does Your Relationship Survive The Arrival Of A New Baby?

Dec 12, 2023

The arrival of a newborn brings profound joy, purpose, and meaning into parents' lives. However, the first year with a baby also brings major challenges that can strain even the strongest relationships. Sleep deprivation, changing roles, less quality time together, and trying to meet everyone’s needs can pile up quickly. But with some intentionality, teamwork, and compassion, you can navigate this transition in a way that brings you and your partner closer. 

Here’s how.

Make Time for Your Relationship

Carving out regular one-on-one time is essential, even if it's just an hour after baby goes to sleep. Take walks together, grab coffee, or curl up on the couch and talk. Share your feelings, update each other on your lives, and reconnect emotionally. 

Don’t just talk about the baby! Date nights are also key for couples to relax and have fun together. Get a trusted babysitter and go out every few weeks.

Divide and Conquer

Sit down together and look at all the new tasks and responsibilities that need to get done. Make a list, then divide and assign, playing to each person’s strengths. 

Revisit it when things get out of balance. The goal is for no one to feel overwhelmed and for both partners to contribute.

Practice Patience and Grace

You're both under a lot of stress and operating on little sleep. Emotions may run high. Allow each other space when needed, and react gently if your partner is irritable or impatient. Say thank you often for each other’s efforts. Everyone has their moments; don't let temporary moods damage your relationship.

Work as a Team

Parenting can sometimes feel like a solo sport, but you’re a team. Communicate, collaborate, and have each other’s backs. When you tag team on fussy nights, share pride in accomplishments, and tackle challenges in a “how can I help?” spirit, you build resilience together. 

The transition to parenthood is a rollercoaster, but being intentional about your relationship and prioritising your partnership will help you weather the ups and downs. With teamwork, empathy and commitment to maintaining your close connection amid the crazy early years, you can nurture your baby and your relationship at the same time.

Seeking Professional Help

The massive life change of having a baby can unveil relationship problems that may have gone unnoticed before. Issues with communication, intimacy, division of labour, and overall partnership can bubble up and feel magnified under the weight of sleep deprivation and new responsibilities. 

This is completely normal! No couple is immune to struggling during this adjustment period. 

That's why seeking help from a professional therapist trained in
couples counselling and new parenthood transitions can be invaluable. Through sessions together, they can give you research-backed tools and perspectives to communicate more effectively, get on the same page, and weather bumps constructively. 

Having an objective third party create a safe space for you to express your feelings, needs, hopes, and frustrations can make a big difference. These
services can help you see each other's viewpoints, identify problems causing problems, and give tailored advice. They can also help you realign your relationship priorities and expectations realistically.

You don't have to wait until you're in "crisis" mode to do couples counselling, either. Many new parents find it useful to start sessions proactively during pregnancy or soon after birth. Investing in your partnership during this transition sets you up for success.

For more information on our psychologist services for new parents,
contact our clinic now.

Office Hours
Wednesday: 9am - 9pm
Thursday: 8am - 6pm
Friday: 8am - 6pm

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